Welcome to BurghBars!
When it comes to dining and nightlife in the Pittsburgh area, BurghBars
Restaurant and Bar Locator is the ultimate way to find exactly what you're
looking for.
Use BurghBars' over 100 specific criteria options to find all the establishments
that cater to your unique tastes from our searchable database of over 8000 establishments
in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County and 6 surrounding counties.
Thank you for visiting, be sure to come back weekly for updates to our
constantly changing site. Good luck with your search, and we'll see you
again soon!
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listing of searchable information. You will need
Adobe Acrobat Reader.
All listings are subject to the terms and conditions of the
DISCLAIMER at the bottom of the form.
Note: In order for BurghBars to accept the form, it must have the complete
contact information, signature, and date. The form can only be signed by
an authorized agent or owner of the establishment, and an original
signature is required. Please mail all completed forms to:
301 5th Street
Freeport, PA 16229
Download Questionnaire
If you have any questions please do not hesistate to contact us at:
(724) 295-1970 or info@burghbars.com